Goal 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Progress on some means of implementation targets is moving rapidly: personal remittances are at an all-time high, an increasing proportion of the global population has access to the Internet and the Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries has been established. Yet, significant challenges remain: ODA is declining, private investment flows are not well aligned with sustainable development, there continues to be a significant digital divide and there are ongoing trade tensions. Enhanced international cooperation is needed to ensure that sufficient means of implementation exist to provide countries the opportunity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.


Sponsors and responsible persons

A project of Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institute for Science Education, Geography Education.

The project is supported by Engagement Global with funds from the BMZ and was developed as part of the country initiatives to implement the Curriculum Framework Education for Sustainable Development. Leibniz Universität Hannover is solely responsible for the content. The content does not reflect the views of the BMZ.