Children and adolescents in Kenya provide insights into their everyday life
The exhibition "Everyday Cultures of Children and Adolescents in Kenya" gives an impression of SDG 17 "Global Partnerships“.
Children and adolescents in Kenya have worked with the photovoice method. Thereby they took photos of motifs that are important in their everyday life and then commented on the selection of their motifs in short statements.
Some of the photos were taken in Korogocho, a slum area in Kenya's capital Nairobi, others in Ol Donyo Sabuk, a village in rural Kenya northeast of Nairobi. The exhibition can also be lent and shown publicly (14 roll-ups). Further information and loan requests:
A project of Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institute for Science Education, Geography Education.
The project is supported by Engagement Global with funds from the BMZ and was developed as part of the country initiatives to implement the Curriculum Framework Education for Sustainable Development. Leibniz Universität Hannover is solely responsible for the content. The content does not reflect the views of the BMZ.